
Consulting for profit & non-profit organisations in new dimensions


of all organisations are inadequately prepared for the future. They need support in running business & strategy. (Forbes)


of all organisations have not adequately disclosed their nucleus and have therefore inadequately anchored it in their operating model. (TheNucleus)


of all organisations worldwide need help in digitally shaping their vision, relationships, offerings and processes. (Gartner)

For an organisation, transformation means reinventing itself.

of organisations have undergone more than one transformation in the last ten years.


of these organisations achieved the desired result of their transformation.


success rate was achieved by those who applied four or more of the following management practices.


Goals | People at the center

Understanding needs with empathy & analytical precision. | People are at the centre of the transformation.


Playfield | Rediscover the nucleus

Being able to answer the questions of tomorrow in all dimensions of society. | Re-sharpen the nucleus & explore the shell.


Focus | into the heart

Rethink collaboration model & capital structure. | Transform increased expectations into tangible experiences.


Leadership | move forward in a serving manner

Form a strong coalition of new & established. | Leading by example, leading the way, coaching, encouraging & supporting.


Controlling | central nervesystem

Create freedom of action for decentralised units | Establish a culture of transformation, cascade responsibilities.


Change | powerful narrative

Communication, keep the narrative fresh. | Proactively communicate the story of the transformation, involve the wider ecosystem.


Skills | remain mindful

Flexibly adjust focus & speed and establish fixed routines. | Ensure that routines are in line with the natural rhythm of the organisation.

We combine traditional approaches with innovative solutions to transform your organisation in a new way.

We develop customised blueprints that are specifically tailored to your requirements.

We carefully analyse your DNA, your current processes, structures, content, people & products and identify areas where improvements can be made.

We create a holistic image that emphasises the nucleus of your organisation and shows how your organisation stands out from others.
Organisational development
for thought leaders

With bold creativity

We unleash the power of people, organisations & brands to move society forward. At every step, we combine insights & revelations, blending a rigorous, empathetic approach to problem solving with bold creativity to design solid, original blueprints.

With interdisciplinary capacities

Our interdisciplinary nucleoli have a wide range of consulting, experience and creative capabilities that enable us to quickly realise and accelerate your growth objectives.

With united power

We are an indispensable ally for you. We know your goals & obstacles and are committed to your success as if it were our own. We equip your teams with the tools you need for further growth.

With courage to change

We bring a colourful bouquet of perspectives to your organisation. With our range of relevant skillsets & lived experiences, we expand your thinking to discover & realise ground-breaking ideas.


As a management consultancy for SMEs, we support D-A-CH family businesses, medium-sized companies and start-ups on their way to sustainable success.

Hidden Champions DEU-AUT-CHE

Around 50 % of all hidden champions worldwide come from German-speaking countries. Our aim is to support family businesses that are geared towards long-term corporate success.

Environment┃Health┃Development aid

We support non-profit organisations with social, cultural or scientific goals that they pursue in a charitable or self-interested manner.

Christian Ministries┃Churches┃Aid organisations

We support corporate entities that serve the common good, organisations with voluntary or civic commitment, based on volunteer work or donations.

Hidden champions by country

You can find hidden champions, for example, in the Westphalian and Bavarian provinces, on the Swabian Alb and in the Sauerland.

We help you to succeed in the digital future.

Digitalisation & automation bring about an improvement in the current situation. This means that it changes - one reason why we offer organisations change management. Transformation, on the other hand, is more profound, it makes topics & things look completely different and is of the utmost importance in our time.

There are numerous fascinating examples of change and transformation in creation. We all know the most famous one: butterflies undergoing a metamorphosis, transforming from a nondescript caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. This phenomenon offers us valuable insights into the difference between transformation & change.
Organisations, just like the caterpillar, can go through changes in order to adapt to new circumstances. Change is a natural process that occurs in all aspects of life. The caterpillar goes through different stages of growth in which it adapts to its environment. Similarly, organisations continuously adapt to external influences, be it technological advancements, market trends or customer needs.

Change is usually gradual & incremental. It is small adjustments or improvements to existing processes or strategies to keep pace with developments. Like the caterpillar, an organisation can remain in a certain stage of change and expand its capabilities to be successful. Nevertheless, the basic structure & identity of the organisation remains the same.
While change is a continuous process, transformation goes beyond mere adaptation. Just like the butterfly that emerges from the caterpillar, transformation is about a profound change. It is about rethinking the foundation and achieving a completely new form. Transformation means radically changing existing structures, processes and ways of thinking in order to achieve a new state. The enormous challenge here is to say goodbye to old habits.

This is particularly difficult for organisations that have been living a certain tradition for decades or even centuries. However, organisations today need to be open to innovation and creativity in order to secure their future success. Organisations that want to transform themselves must therefore be prepared to take risks and embark on unconventional paths.
The transformation of a company ensures that it can meet the challenges of today's dynamic & disruptive business world. By expanding mindsets, redesigning processes and thoroughly rethinking strategies and business models, companies gain a competitive advantage.

Let's take the example of a traditional retail business. It may change by expanding its product range, renovating the shop or introducing different opening hours. But none of this is a transformation and the change measures will probably only attract a few new customers. The change comes when the shop decides to completely reorient itself and open an online shop. However, this means that the strategy is completely different, the business model has to be adapted, there are completely new processes, etc.
However, transformation does not mean that the organisation has to completely throw its identity or values overboard. The "butterfly principle" applies here: even if the caterpillar and butterfly hardly resemble each other and have different abilities, they still have exactly the same DNA. During the pupation phase, numerous epigenetic mechanisms are at work in the cell nuclei of the insects, which assign new tasks to almost every cell and completely reorganise the body.

Let's go back to our retailer, who now sells online. He is transforming his business, can now "fly" like a butterfly and reach new customers, has the opportunity to offer more because not everything has to fit into a small shop and is open around the clock. It has thus transformed itself without giving up its values or identity as a company.
While change is more evolutionary and aims to adapt to new circumstances, transformation goes beyond this and requires a revolutionary approach to redesigning (recreating) organisations.

Like butterflies, organisations can unleash their full potential and soar to new heights through transformation. However, it is important that organisations develop the ability to recognise both change and transformation and act accordingly in order to succeed in a dynamic & disruptive world.
Beauty comes from within,
we carry it to the outside.

Our offer includes a reflective component (= how did it all start?), a strategic component (= where do I want to go?), an organisational component (= how do structures and processes change?) and a cultural component (= how do employees' motivation, satisfaction and commitment develop?). We always have these dimensions in mind and develop blueprints to keep them in balance.

Accompanying profit-oriented & non-profit organisations in their development is our core business. Based on your unique nucleus, we develop blueprints to accompany you in partnership into the new.

We live transformation. We understand the dynamics of your change and support you in successfully implementing your change. From personalised coaching to full-service support, we ensure that your transformation is a success.
Our transformation experts understand how holistic change works. One of our greatest strengths lies in our ability to understand what the real causes of possible dysfunctions in an organisation are.

We reflect these findings to you in an appreciative, but also unembellished way - in our understanding of consulting, this is the basis for successful organisational development.
Every change support programme begins with a shared understanding of the initial situation. This understanding is sharpened in personal discussions with you and your management team and later validated in a "deep dive" in your organisation.

In this way, we create a complete picture of the upcoming change project in your organisation so that we can then work with you to develop the change concept.
We develop organisations individually and not according to a textbook or out of a drawer. You benefit from our cross-industry experience thanks to our diverse client portfolio of profit-oriented & non-profit organisations.

We don't "just" design the new organisational blueprint or the transformation architecture, but accompany you during implementation.
How do we communicate the new vision or strategy and win people over to it?

How do we organise ourselves optimally in order to successfully implement our strategy?

How do we change the structural and process framework and how do we shape the transitions?

How do we reduce the dysfunctionalities that have developed over the years?

How do we strengthen self-responsibility and thus bundle our strengths together?

How do we address and process employees' fears and concerns?

How do we prepare employees for the new requirements of the target structure and their role within it? Conflicts arise and motivation drops? Employees are frustrated and resign?
The difference between transformation & change lies in the depth of the change.

We accompany the process of change, from the current state (ACTUAL) to the desired target state (TARGET) in the near future. We develop individual blueprints so that you represent a fundamental & lasting change.

We support you as consultants for organisational development, sparring partners and architects for your organisational development process with our neutral, systemic and system-theoretical perspective.

We want your change to succeed. Our team of experienced entrepreneurs will engage with you transparently, empathetically and on an equal footing. We share our observations honestly. We also tell you what you don't necessarily want to hear, but is important for you to move forward - and bring hands-on solution ideas with us.
Sustainable change only happens when we change the real causes - not the obvious symptoms. We work with you to keep an eye on your entire organisation and the big picture and work with you to develop your organisation in a way that makes sense in the long term. We provide you with effective support in setting up your organisation for the future and anchoring sustainable change.

We shed light on a matter that was previously opaque, unclear or puzzling. We clarify situations, processes, procedures, structures and behaviours by revealing or finding an explanation.

DerNukleus has made it its mission - not only to clarify, enlighten, unravel, decipher, explore, fathom, clarify, bring light into a matter, bring light into the dark, investigate - to offer our clients measures & solutions that help them to walk permanently in the light.

We not only make your DNA visible but also anchor it in your business model so that you can achieve your goals.
Our job as business architects is to turn business ideas into concepts, practical prototypes and finished projects. These customised blueprints are the guideline for successful implementation.

Whoever wants to develop new business models needs a partner as a business architect to accompany them all the way to the implementation of their plan. Not only start-ups, but also established companies, investors and institutions in particular strive to open up new business areas, implement new business models and tap into new markets. The architecture of the business model includes planning the infrastructure, organisational structure and processes.

Our service programme for your business architecture includes:

  • entrepreneurial architecture with entrepreneurial leadership
  • management of ideas
  • development of vision, mission and corporate values
  • development of the business strategy & business model
  • planning & conceptualisation of the company, its offerings, infrastructure, teams and processes
  • creation of marketing and sales strategies
  • training of teams and managers
Change management and organisational development differ in their definition and focus.

Change management in the classic sense deals with the planning, implementation and control of change measures in order to achieve a defined target state. The focus here is on technical and functional topics such as cost reduction and productivity. The methodical approach includes diagnosis, analysis, target definition, conception, implementation and control of measures.

In contrast, organisational development is a long-term process that aims at the holistic further development of a company. In addition to organisational structures, interpersonal aspects and the individual behaviour of managers and employees are also included. The aim of organisational development is to make the company more successful and sustainable in the long term while improving working conditions and opportunities for employees.

This is why we at DerNukleus take a holistic organisational development approach to change processes.
Consultancy on change management and organisational development with DerNukleus is medium to long-term. At the beginning, our process support is more intensive. As your organisation continues to develop, the development process is gradually handed over to you. We then take on a longer-term role as a driving force and sparring partner.

  1. Clear vision for the future: A vision should be more than just a sentence and make the organisation's change needs and starting points clear. It should be derived from the organisation's DNA.
  2. Explaining the need for change: It is important that employees understand the reason for the change in order to gain a sense of purpose, orientation and context. Workshops and continuous dialogue are helpful here.
  3. Understanding resistance to change processes: Resistance can provide valuable information about the needs of the organisation. It is important to recognise and respond to this resistance.
  4. Space for change: Change processes require time and space to try out new structures, working methods and decision-making processes. It is important to review the company's goals and provide resources for the change process.
  5. More courage to really look: Instead of looking for culprits, the focus should be on specific changes to the system, such as the team structure, the values practised or the decision-making processes. The courage to make real changes is crucial here.
We initiate a process,
that creates encounters at all levels.

We question the consequences of our actions, adapt to new challenges and continuously improve our way of working - we are committed to socially reflected innovations and promote their economic use as well as sustainable technology spin-offs at all levels.

Transformation means evolving to
a new level, to a new dimension.

We open up new dimensions to reveal the identity of your organisation. Let's work together to find new ways for you to effectively organise your change projects.

DNA based

We have the courage, the skills & the resilience to create, apply & proactively tackle new things. We transform the insights we gain into your DNA into a value-based organisational form.

Counselling in unity

Our core inspires and unites us. We are passionate about the roles we play in the DerNukleus team. That's why we start with ourselves first: We consistently develop ourselves and our organization further.

Illustrative prototype

We are entrepreneurs and act in an entrepreneurial, holistic, value-oriented, agile, analytical and self-organised manner. We are a vivid prototype for a meaning- and value-orientated company.

Successful together

Together we make your transformation successful. We bring the missing pieces by taking a co-creative, participative and human approach. We bring our lived attitude to your company - iteratively and individually.

We create encounters

We open up new dimensions and bring the identity of your organisation to the surface. We not only tell the stories of your organisation, but also initiate a process that creates encounters at all levels in which the people, the products, the vision and indeed the entire organisation with all its facets can be discovered as a unit.

We develop strategies

Our blueprints are the guideline for the successful implementation of your business models. We develop strategies that make your offering holistically visible and more relevant to your target group. We create a holistic image that emphasises the nucleus of your organisation and shows how your organisation stands out from others.

We implement ideas

As an organisational consultancy for profit-orientated & non-profit organisations, we accompany & support our clients in adapting to the challenges of the changing market and opening up new opportunities. We work with you to identify opportunities and potential, develop new ideas and put them into practice.

We make it clear

We are particularly interested in what really drives & motivates the people in your organisation. We make things clear so that you can convey your nucleus in a new way. We pave the way for you to discover new things in your organisation and communicate them to the outside world in a memorable way. We enable you to open up new territories, occupy them permanently and dominate them.

We transform in a new way

We visualise processes, products, people & content in a new way and unearth the true treasures. We optimise this existing DNA, introduce new technologies, improve the customer experience and develop new business models. As an organisational consultancy, we act in a people-centric & responsible manner.

We make visible

We track down the DNA that is in you, your company or your organisation and your offering. It is this DNA that defines your core, your nucleus, your identity. We make it visible, tangible & perceptible. Our approach includes the creation of unique blueprints - individual solutions that are developed exclusively for your organisation.

We work sustainably

Our experts work closely with you to understand your goals & expectations. Based on this understanding, we develop a customised strategy that builds on your individual situation. We also take into account technological trends & best practices to ensure that your solution is future-proof and that you are successful in the long term.

We act strategically

We live in an increasingly fast-moving environment, which means we need to be strategically flexible and implement changes quickly. We work with you to create well-founded reorganisation and transformation strategies so that your organisation can optimally master changes in organisational culture and structure.

We support organizations

We accompany you on your organisational development journey as you courageously face the challenges & opportunities of the change process. Together we navigate through the dense jungle of possibilities and always keep a clear view of your change initiatives.

We shape identity

Together with you, we create a future with identity and meaning. We shape agile, people-centred organisations with teams as the main agents of change. We specifically build self-learning teams with responsibility so that rigid organisations become adaptable and sustainable again.

We are reliable

We bring energy, fun and impetus to the projects. We take everyone involved with us. As experts in agile organisational development, corporate culture & new work, we support companies in their transformation that want to adapt more quickly and flexibly to new market situations.

We empower comprehensively

We dig deep into the core, the source, the origin of your organisation. Your motives for what you do are our central concern. We support you in making new decisions and entering into new relationships. We empower you for new encounters in the new structure.

Our blueprints are the guideline for the successful implementation of your business models.

Our approach includes the creation of unique blueprints - individual solutions developed exclusively for your organisation. We will walk the path of change together with you and support you in implementing your corporate vision. We are ready to transform your organisation by revealing your true identity and helping you succeed in the market.

Research & Development

Innovation requires freedom, but needs to be actively “managed”. Innovation does not just end with the pure invention, but also includes the successful introduction to the market. We not only accompany you from the idea to the product, but also in the area of ​​technology procurement (including alliances and acquisitions). We initiate the creation of a culture of innovation.


We are convinced that as soon as you know your nucleus and what makes it special, you can align your offer accordingly. This way you will automatically attract more customers and increase your profitability. Consistent implementation of suitable strategies is another key to increasing profitability, and there should be no limits to creativity.


We work together with you to develop & implement this customised blueprint that fits the nucleus of your company and sees sustainability as an opportunity to further develop your business model. By anchoring sustainability in your organisational DNA, it becomes a driving force for strengthening the future viability of your company.


We support your company, taking into account both internal and external factors such as corporate culture, existing technology, market dynamics and customer expectations. We develop sustainable and effective strategies based on your nucleus to strengthen your competitive position and increase your digital maturity.

Future viability

Organisations that are maximally efficient are maximally fragile and minimally innovative. There are no standardised blueprints for digital transformation. Innovation needs time and a safe space. Space for reflection and adaptation of the impulses to your own situation in the company. We help you to recognise where change is required and what strategy of adaptability you need.


Only when you have sufficient certainty about your customers/users, their problems and the market potential of your solution does the focus shift more and more from generating customer insights to actual product development. We take you on an "Innovation Journey"; on this joint tour we discover contradictions and a variety of possible approaches.


Do you want to develop a new product or a new idea and need innovative marketing ideas? We offer you DNA-based marketing that makes your nucleus visible in every campaign. DerNukleus is therefore the be-all and end-all of every successful marketing campaign. A successful nucleus campaign is the use of ideas that are new but also have a great past.

Further development

We help you to develop further and build skills that will make the crucial difference in the future. The ability to recognize or anticipate changes in the market at an early stage, to draw the right conclusions and to implement the necessary changes quickly and as effectively as possible. The most important measurement criterion is success on the market. OKRs are a suitable framework.

External appearance

Our goal: Improve your market position and sales promotion through corporate identity. Our approach: The mission statement of a company is simply the primary goal of the company and, last but not least, underlines the DNA of the company. We specifically convey your nucleus to the outside world; it is the core of your mission statement, from which we formulate the guiding principles, the fundamental values ​​and goals as well as the company's motto.

Excellence is the core of what we do,
our goal and what defines us.

We provide foundation & vision. We create a climate for discovering, exercising and utilising individual talents. We find, support and release people in their talents. Our aim is to help companies fulfil their purpose. As problem solvers, talent discoverers and pioneers with construction expertise, we act as trailblazers, trainers and planters. In order to achieve set goals, we draw up plans and implement them.

All dimensions of an organisational culture
are based on a culture of trust.

Cultural Change

Changes in organizational culture mean establishing new patterns of behavior, thinking and action.

Together we create a future with identity & meaning.

Successful change requires professional support. We are your partner for your change process and at your side on the way to a sustainable organisation. As experts in organisational development, change, leadership and culture, we bring light into the organisation and work with you to find meaningful new ways to make your change process feasible in a dynamic environment.


Familiarisation & Stocktaking

There is probably nothing more personal than your own development. That’s why we discuss things 1:1 – personally. Together we will find the point where you currently stand and from which your further development can meaningfully begin. This is followed by taking stock of the current situation and structuring the necessary fields of action on the basis of interviews and workshops.


Evaluation of the fields of action

Together we create a motivating goal for the change process and engage the most important stakeholders in the initial phase. We will work with you to develop an approach for sustainable organizational development and further development of organizational structures.


Conception & Realisation

We support you in the development of important basic building blocks such as a mission statement with vision and values and a modern understanding of leadership. We continue to support new processes, routines and working methods. Design & implementation of participative and interactive formats for large and small group settings, leadership and team workshops (physical, digital, hybrid).

We make your organization architecture
visible in all dimensions.

We bring trust and security to digital processes.

This article provides valuable insight into how you can adapt your leadership skills to realize your organization's full potential.

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2 min read

We dive deeper into the various data analysis methods and highlight their areas of application in the business world.

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6 min read

We identify opportunities and potential, develop new ideas and put them into practice together with you.

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3 min read

Companies that cultivate a positive corporate culture have a higher chance of attracting top talent, impressing customers and achieving long-term success.

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2 min read

Change requires open communication, a corporate culture that supports change and the involvement of employees.

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3 min read
We derive from your DNA - principles,
protocols and a code of conduct.

  • Gerlachshöhe 31, 64367 Mühltal-Nieder-Beerbach, Germany